You Get What You Praise!

Nathan Ros
Proverbs 27:21 As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.

I have learned so many valuable things from Pastor Esposito. He would often come up with slogans that would help drive a point or a biblical principle that he was trying to teach.  He had slogans like:
 “35 mile-an-hour rule.” This means that someone misunderstood what he was saying. 
“You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspected.” He was making a point of not just giving someone a job and expecting them to do it but inspecting it so that person will do it and do it right.
“That’s an idea.” When he said that basically, you knew it was not a good idea.
“You birth, you bathe it.” This means if you came up with the idea you should follow up and take care of the idea and not pass it off to someone else.
One of my favorites was, “You get what you praise.” Praise is a powerful tool! Praise is like water to a dehydrated desert dweller, a buffet to a famished and starving refugee, a warm coat to a freezing body, and a comfortable bed to a tired and weary traveler. Proper praise is like a battery recharge to a drained and empty son, daughter, spouse, employer, or employee. Praise is a tool that we seldom use but is super effective.
The Bible says, in Proverbs 27:21, “As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.” I want to challenge you to take this verse and make it a daily reminder to use the power of praise to help the people that you minister to, especially your own family. Yes, they will fail. Yes, they will mess up. Yes, you will have to correct them! But make it a point on purpose to think of ways that you can praise. Find every opportunity to praise your child, spouse, worker, and boss.  How often? As much as you can. Some say seven praises to one rebuke. I don’t know the exact number but make sure your praise is more than your rebukes.
So, join me in establishing a custom to praise more than we rebuke. Praise every effort that you see. Say a nice word, make a kind compliment, “smile and give good vibes,” and make it your pursuit to praise and encourage the ones that God has called you to serve. Remember, “you get what you praise!” As you practice this principle, you will see that praising will help direct your loved ones effectively and draw them toward you with appreciation and love.

Nathan Ros

Bro. Ros does a great job in every aspect of ministry that he serves in! He leads our Khmer ministry, youth ministry, and is the teacher of the Grace Adult Bible Class. He and his wife have four wonderful children.

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