Ministry Mindset

Nick Grande

In the midst of serving in ministry, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Our beliefs should never be just ideas, they should shape every action we take. Because of this, we should evaluate our mindset and motives on a regular basis. Are we driven by purpose, or are we merely going through the motions?


Here are three competing mindsets often encountered in ministry:

"This is important" vs. "It's not that big of a deal."

Serving in ministry isn't just another task on our to-do list, it's a valuable responsibility. We're entrusted with the lives and souls of those around us, which makes our role highly significant. Preparation, evaluation, and continual growth are not optional but essential for those who understand the weight of their calling.


"This is a privilege" vs. "I have to do this."

Instead of viewing service as a burden, we should see it as a privilege. When we think of all that God has done for us, how can we do any less for Him than serve in ministry? And more than that, what a privilege it is that He allows us to be His ambassadors through service.


"I'm doing this for the Lord" vs. "I'm doing this for myself."

Ephesians 6:6 reminds us to serve with sincerity, not seeking approval from others but striving to fulfill the will of God. When we serve with genuine hearts, our actions transcend personal gratification. Every task becomes an act of worship, an offering to the One who called us into service.


In closing, let's cultivate a perspective that honors the weight of our calling, embraces the privilege of service, and finds its fulfillment in pleasing the One who called us.

Nick Grande

Bro. Grande serves in our music and media ministry, and teaches the Solid Rock Singles Class. He and his wife Hannah have three daughters- Allison, Brooke, and Claire.

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