The Little Things

Nick Grande
Luke 16:10 "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much."

Probably one of my favorite things to do is observe art: a drawing, painting, photograph, digital composition, musical composition, or even a food composition! If there is anything I appreciate about these categories, it would be the artist’s attention to detail. I am not claiming to have great knowledge in the area of art, but I have observed that an artist must walk a fine line of balance and moderation. What may seem as “not a big deal” to the novice may be of utmost importance to the skilled. Every little detail is taken into consideration.

In Luke 16:10, Christ not only places an importance on little things, but He also gives us a gauge for our own lives as stewards. If we are faithful in the least or little things God places in our stewardship, He is able to determine our faithfulness in larger things. I remember my Dad always telling me, “The reward of being responsible, is more responsibility.” As a single young man, I found that when I dedicated my life in the attempt to be a godly steward with what God had entrusted to me (a relationship with Him, my ministries, my finances and resources, etc.) He in turn generously blessed me with the responsibility of being a husband, a father, and a steward, having more resources and more opportunities to serve in ministry.

We could look at the life of Joseph in the Old Testament and see that his faithful stewardship did not start with the large responsibilities of governing all of Egypt, but in the faithfulness of servanthood to Potiphar and later overseeing the prison that held him captive. He was faithful in the little and even lowly areas of life where God allowed him to be.

Let’s ask ourselves these questions and evaluate our lives:

1. What little resources or responsibilities has God entrusted to me today?

2. Am I being a faithful steward over them?

3. Am I holding onto the lie that once I have large responsibilities, I will become a faithful steward?

4. Am I letting standards that protect the areas of my stewardship slowly slip away?

There is a style of art that fascinated me the first time I was introduced to it, called pointillism. Entire pieces of art are composed from countless small points or dots from a pen. Some of the points are large, and some are small, but each point is significantly important to the entire composition. Life is not much different. Numerous responsibilities, resources, and decisions fill the composition of our lives. The question is, is each one important regardless of the size? Or are there some things we have determined unwisely, as “not that big of a deal?” Are we striving to deal with each one in a way honoring to the Lord? “Success, in all departments of human effort, is won by attention to little things.” “Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily.”

Let’s make a decision to be faithful in the little things.

Nick Grande

Bro. Grande serves in our music and media ministry, and teaches the Solid Rock Singles Class. He and his wife Hannah have three daughters- Allison, Brooke, and Claire.

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